To create an atmosphere where each child grows into their highest potential, instill in them the deepest values that uphold the rich and varied culture and tradition of our nation.

MISSION 2024- 2025

  • To promote patriotism, honesty, truthfulness, sense of justice, cultural harmony and love amongst students to help their growth as global citizens.
  • To inspire self- learning, peer assessment for transparency in all their transactions with their peers, elders and others. Inspired by “Noble Thoughts” that inculcates empathy for all around them, the students can ideate and innovate solutions for the problems in their surroundings.
  • To stimulate scientific temper (observation, data collection, analysis, and problem – statement followed by ideation for solution to the problem) , a will to explore new vistas in every walk of life and contribute to nations growth as “Knowledge Hub” of the world.
  • To foster healthy practices for a safe environment to live in harmony with nature.
  • To empower students with knowledge and creativity through adoption of latest technology so that they grow into happy and successful individuals.
  • To create a team of dedicated educators who are passionate about the schools mission in education.